Being an adult can truly suck

October 4, 2010 at 12:31 pm (Life)

I was offered a wonderful job. Something I know in my heart I could do and would truly excel at. Sadly being an adult meant looking at the pay scale and realizing despite the many emotional benefits of the offer financially I could not accept it. This experience made me realize a few things. I am capable of getting a position where I will be wanted and appreciated for my creativity and talents. So this was a major and needed ego boost. However being married with a house and bills means I have to make sure that darn thing called a budget stays balanced too. SO I have been re-energized to continue my pursuit.

This weekend I did battle with hosta and lily of the valley to plant my tulip and iris bulbs as well as some herbs. Hacking away at hosta and lily roots was like sawing threw stone – I am still sore! Then on Sunday I discovered a squirrel had dug up some of my bulbs! I was so mad.

Today I go to social security to official change my name. I changed it on my Facebook and its really weird to see it there. I tried to practice signing it and it’s hard to describe the sensation. I have been assured as time passes it will become like second nature but for now – its just weird.

I got to watch sea turtles hatch at the honeymoon resort (they had a sanctuary there)

my feet in the ocean

sunset before wedding day

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